Sustainable Architecture

During the 60s and 70s, the construction industry often used materials or methods that inflicted harm or destruction to their surroundings. Because of this negative impact, individuals and groups took up initiatives to promote more eco-friendly types of construction. Because of these initiatives, sustainable architecture was born.

Architecture firms who design sustainable buildings, such as SH Architecture, typically use natural and renewable resources such as concrete, harvested wood and rock as well as recycled materials like glass and lumber. They may also reuse architectural components of other buildings, including doors, windows and flooring in the structure. However, sustainable architecture involves much more than just the materials used.

Sustainable architecture also focuses primarily on how energy will be used for the structure and how to effectively conserve it. This process involves ensuring the building has excellent insulation and the use of shades and awnings as passive building coolers. Sustainable buildings often also rely heavily on solar energy or other alternative energy sources. Also, the use of natural and recycled building materials combined with renewable energy sources typically make sustainable buildings much cheaper to construct and maintain.

Besides the benefits to the environment and cost savings, one of the greatest benefits of sustainable architecture is that style and design need not be compromised by the emphasis on natural materials and energy conservation. In fact, sustainable architecture places emphasis on not only style and design, but also innovation. This has led to many to sustainable buildings becoming known for their impressive looks.

As you can see, sustainable architecture provides not only an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction techniques but also added energy efficiency and superior style to boot. There’s no doubt that sustainable architecture is the way of the future and will become more prevalent as the concern for the environment grows.

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